Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM

P: (732) 449-0800
F: (732) 449-8797

423 Warren Ave.
PO Box 638
Spring Lake, NJ 07762 

Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM

P: (732) 449-0800
F: (732) 449-8797

423 Warren Ave.
PO Box 638
Spring Lake, NJ 07762 

Mayor & Council Meeting

Mayor & Council
02.25.2025 7: 00pm


Regular Meetings of the Governing Body shall be held at the Municipal Building, 423 Warren Avenue, Spring Lake, New Jersey at 7:00 PM prevailing time unless otherwise noticed.

Next series events

The series of events starts on 02.11.2025 and ends on 12.16.2025.