Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM
P: (732) 449-0800
F: (732) 449-8797
423 Warren Ave.
PO Box 638
Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM
P: (732) 449-0800
F: (732) 449-8797
423 Warren Ave.
PO Box 638
Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Address: 601 Main St., Belmar, NJ 07719
Phone: (732) 681-3700 ext. 204
Patricia White, CMCA
Court Administrator
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As of October 1, 2011 the Borough of Spring Lake will be using the Borough of Belmar for Municipal Court Services. For more information regarding Belmar Municipal Court, please visit the Belmar's Municipal Court website.