Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM
P: (732) 449-0800
F: (732) 449-8797
423 Warren Ave.
PO Box 638
Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM
P: (732) 449-0800
F: (732) 449-8797
423 Warren Ave.
PO Box 638
Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Borough Administrator
(732) 449-0800 Ext. 614
(732) 449-8797
423 Warren Avenue,
PO Box 638
Spring Lake, NJ 07762
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Under Spring Lake's Borough form of government, the Borough Administrator serves as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough.
Our Borough Administrator, W. Bryan Dempsey oversees all municipal departments, coordinates the day-to-day operations of the community and carries out the policies set by the elected Mayor and Borough Council.